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Nelsonville TV Cable, Inc. Evaluación de clientes

2 Nelsonville TV Cable, Inc. Evaluación de clientes

Rating breakdown





Nelsonville TV Cable, Inc.


David F | 03-30-2023

Usuario Verificado

I can't give this service the stars that I would like. I'm all about supporting local businesses as long as I get what I pay for in return. Yes, I'm well ware you never get exactly what you pay for when it comes to internet speeds. But for $85 and only get 100MB is a bit high priced. The worst part is your lucky to get 25-50MB most of the time. Don't get me started with the 15MB upload. As of late I barely get a 3-5MB of that speeds, some times even dropping down to 0.08. Horrible!!!! I have had this service for a little while, it just keeps getting worse. The customer service is nice, but honestly they can't keep up with the times it seems. Sadly because of a contract that was put in years ago, another places can't deliver internet here where I am at. Which is unfortunate. I wish I had options, but instead I'm tied into using this service only. Or wifi setup, and that is horrible for gaming, then again Nelsonville TV cable is not so great for that either as of late. Better than frontier, but still dropping the ball.

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Nelsonville TV Cable, Inc.


Elizabeth A | 08-27-2014

Its good service but expensive. I haven't had it go out nor had any issues connecting or downloading. But it is high per month if you don't have cable and not much less if you do. So it is kind of pricey. I think 1/2 per month would be more reasonable whether you have cable or not.

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