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Reseñas de clientes Frontier


Calificación de usuarios (1293)

La valoración de estrellas se basa en las reseñas de los usuarios y nuestra encuesta independiente de satisfacción del cliente.

Esto es lo que la gente opina sobre Frontier

¿Quién conoce Frontier mejor que las personas que lo usan todos los días? Leer las reseñas de los clientes te dará una mejor idea de lo que esta empresa hace y no hace bien. Por aquí compartimos todo tipo de opiniones y recuerda que muchos clientes escriben únicamente cuando están molestos, solo recuerda tenerlo en mente al momento de hacer tu evaluación.



“El soporte técnico fue excelente y corrigió el problema de forma remota. No he tenido problemas desde entonces.”

–Teresa B.



“Excelente servicio a un buen precio”

–Mark B.



“Se los recomendaría a cualquiera que busque un servicio de Internet”.

–Wanda B.



“Muy mal servicio al cliente. Tengo una disputa abierta desde hace meses y sigue sin resolver.”

–David W.



“Mi velocidad de Internet es aproximadamente una séptima parte de lo que debería ser. Estoy pagando por la velocidad máxima”.

–Matthew L.



“Ha pasado más de un mes y todavía no tengo internet, y mi próxima cita es dentro de otras dos semanas. Esto sumará 6 semanas desde mi compra sin internet.”

–Kylie H.

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Read our Frontier customer reviews.


1293 Frontier customer reviews.



Robert T | 02-11-2025

Horrible coverage and Horrible service. I DO NOT RECOMMEND going with this company. Had them for a while and they said I needed all this special equipment and charged for it. After all that, still didn't work. So my daughter comes and plugs in her tmobile wifi and no issues. Fronteir does not care about their customers and I'm glad I canceled them.

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Anthony S | 02-10-2025

Find out for 1 GB plan have not seen download speeds over 300, upload is faster than download! Never received promised $100 visa gift card or reduction in YouTube TV plan.

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Devin S | 02-10-2025

Better off buying a wheel and a dozen hamsters

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Edward S | 02-09-2025

Here it's Not Fiber. It's DSL & It Sucks.

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G. B | 02-04-2025

Broadband Max advertised and charged as high speed but never get over 3.5 Mbps often falling below 1 so unable to stream or even use internet reliably.

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Rebecca B | 02-03-2025

Frontier WiFi has the most HORRIBLE customer service I have ever experienced. Ever. They are extremely inefficient, unprofessional, disorganized, negligent, and extremely slow. It appears that their customer service agents are not knowledgeable about what they’re doing which shocks me. I was on the phone with three different representatives, each for 30 minutes, and not one representative was able to assist me. They just kept passing me off to the next person who would ask me to explain my situation all over again, which let me know that the previous agent did not properly explain my situation or reason for calling. This was AFTER I realized Frontier had been incorrectly charging my auto pay account for months. It makes me concerned when no agent can address my issue that Frontier is knowingly incorrectly charging autopay accounts in the hopes that the customer does not notice. Please don’t ever get Frontier wifi. It’s a scam.

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Rich B | 02-01-2025

When the service runs its great, but it goes down regularly and can be down for days. If you work from homw you may want to consider a more consistent service. Tech support can be pretty good or really bad depending on the service tech.

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Graciela R | 12-07-2024

Regrettably, I intially had hopes for this company but they have dashed them completely. Inconsistent, spotty service which goes down every night. Have tried to fix for a month with no resolution. Will be switching to new provider.

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Catherine J | 12-05-2024

I have never been without service so often with any provider I've ever had. Not only that, but there's been fiber running down my road now for about a year and I'm still hooked up to a copper wire. I've had a total of 30 something tickets made and not once has a technician shown up I had a modem sent to me and I installed myself but still no technician. I've never been more disappointed in an Internet provider. And seriously, why are there so many outages? I mean really. I've never seen so many outages or heard of so many outages in my life.

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Anthony M | 12-04-2024

When the fiber internet is working everything is great. Service is good I can have so many devices on and for a reasonable price too. However, I have had them for a little over a year and the internet has randomly stopped working like 3 times. I know there is some stuff that happens. But it is just something outside that needs fixed. The first time it took a while to get someone there but they fixed it relatively quickly. The 2nd time took a while to get fixed after scheduling and the 3rd time has been absolutely awful. I know the steps to attempt to troubleshoot on my end. But I try to request someone to come out and the chat ai feature is terrible it takes forever for a response. They give you steps that really don't do anything. My internet was down for a week and I hadn't gotten around to reaching out. When I did they scheduled me a week and a half out (granted there was a holiday) when the day came I stayed home from work in the 5 hour window they gave me and my request was just closed and said It was fixed. I had to call and reschedule and that was not a fun experience. They arrived and did some work. Were having issues and left and said they would come back. I have been waiting for 3 weeks now with no wifi and they rescheduled a bunch. Finish the job while you are there. e

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