Compañías de Internet en Eastham, MA
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¡Ahorra hasta $830 en un teléfono 5G participante al realizar intercambio!
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¿Trabajas para un Proveedor de Internet? Da clic aquí para colaborar en la actualización de datos.Tipos de proveedores en Eastham
- Cable — 100% Cobertura
Disponibilidad de banda ancha
(Internet con más de 25 Mbps)
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Reseñas de clientes de los proveedores de Internet en Eastham
Amy T | 07-27-2023
Viasat is the worst company I have ever had to deal with for several reasons. In addition to my monthly fee I pay extra for service calls. This is the second time I have had to wait a month for a repair. The first time a service call was confirmed, in the Viasat notes it says I have poor cell reception, the tech did not come as scheduled when my cell did not work. A new date was set, the date and times kept changing. Each time a new person called me they were confused as to when the tech was coming giving me conflicting information. The tech ended up arriving the day before service was scheduled, lucky someone was home! I rent my place in the summer and several guests are not coming back because there was no WIFI. This has happened before, you should not have dishes in areas you can't service in a timely manner. The phone system told me I had no credit card on record and put me in a loop when in fact my card is on record for the past 3 years. Your phone service system is so frustrating I hate calling Viasat. As soon as I can find an alternative I am dumping your company. My neighbors, also in the National Seashore, feel the same way and are moving to alternative companies. The people answering the phones are nice but so limited as to how they can help. I am one dissatisfied customer and have never had such negative feelings toward a company. I would never recommend Viasat.
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