Consolidated Communications Customer Reviews
64 Consolidated Communications Customer Reviews
Rating breakdown
BARRY W | 02-05-2025
Verified User
we have been with this company dor 5 years and it has steadily gotten worse. the connection interuption happens all the time, they will go look at it may be make it better for a few days then its can do a speedtest and it looks ok but the lost packets and unsteady speed is constant. when it rains, or snows or wet wires in the main substation, ive heard it all. they are clearly not interested. unfortunatly they do not want to update or fix the problems.
Was this review helpful?Nevada P | 01-31-2025
(Fidium Fiber) For only $35.63/mo on the 100Mbit plan it's been great. I think we had 1 brief outage in the past 6 months for a few minutes; otherwise it's been solid. The only real hiccup was trying to sign up in the first place, I tried dialing what seemed like the official Fidium number from the website, but kept getting some weird fiber reseller on the phone who was convinced my address didn't have a Fidium hookup (it did). He tried pushing Xfinity instead. I pushed back and managed to get in-home setup scheduled. Great technician.
Was this review helpful?Pam T | 01-29-2025
Verified User
I have used Consolidated Communications (previously Surewest Communication) for 28 years. I've used their TV, Phone and Internet services over the years. I now only use their Internet Provider Service (IPS) due to them discontinuing their TV service and I no longer need a phone line connection. When family members lose internet connection (often) with their providers, we are still up and running with Consolidated Communications. Seldom have I encountered an issue with my network connection. I hope this helps when looking for an internet provider.
Was this review helpful?John W | 08-30-2024
Verified User
Look elsewhere if you have the option! Horrible customer service. They do not care about the customer...
Was this review helpful?Barry G | 06-25-2024
Verified User
inconsistent slow to no internet even paying for fastest speed. Constant service calls with breif better speed then back to slow again.
Was this review helpful?Dave W | 06-14-2024
Canāt speak low enough of this company. The internet speed is always slow, if it works. The phone plans are expensive at any package price. And if you complain A LOT, you can have a technician come to your home and give you new equipment that will make things minimally better for a few weeks. I suffered with this service for years, before switching to Starlink & a VOIP provider, cutting the lines, giving faster speeds for less money overall
Was this review helpful?Eric M | 10-03-2023
Verified User
Their website for customer portal does not support most browsers. They told me I had to use Chrome. Still couldn't pay online or set up auto pay. It took a full year to get set up on Auto pay. Kept getting different reasons why. They are terrible and VERY understaffed. If you call customer service be prepared to wait A LONG TIME for them to actually help you. I can not wait until a competitor moves in.
Was this review helpful?Margart O | 09-30-2023
Nightmarish! I was so relieved when i was able to abandon CCI when I decided to disconnect my landline. But now I am about to move and it is the only internet service viable for the new house. I am getting the runaround about setting up service. No one is calling to notify me of decisions . I had to call to say, ' what's going on' and they tell me, oh, we have to get the government involved to install wire to your house, no one told you this? Nope. They then proceeded to give me a date that had been selected a week ago to see the property and no one thought to notify me that they'd be lurking around? I am at the point of choosing to have no internet instead of working with this monstrous company again.
Was this review helpful?Gerard C | 09-29-2023
Verified User
Absolutely pathetic service. New modem/router installed in May and hasn't worked right since. Five phone calls all but pleading for a replacement and it is now many MONTHS later. No follow-up, no technician visit, no nothing. TV is unusable much of the time and often the computer isn't connected so that can't be used either. Disgusting company that in simplest terms couldn't care less. Should be investigated for rank incompetence and a refund sent for months of off and on service. Pitiful company that is happy to take your money and then wash their hands of any problems.
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