Trevor Wheelwright

by Trevor Wheelwright | Aug 3, 2020 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment
Which states have the biggest problems with catfishing? We looked at FBI and Census data to determine your likelihood of being scammed.

by Trevor Wheelwright | Jul 25, 2020 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment
With COVID-19’s social distancing and the call to stay at home, we asked experts to define screen time, illustrate what benefits screen time may have, and to offer advice for parents.

by Trevor Wheelwright | Jun 8, 2020 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment
We used Google Trends to compare which HBO Max shows people in each state searched for in anticipation of the launch. And, we have to say, South Dakota surprised us.

by Trevor Wheelwright | Apr 2, 2020 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment, Technology
Whether your work has been affected, your kids need to get lessons online, or you’re running into trouble with upcoming bills, we’re here to help.

by Trevor Wheelwright | Mar 16, 2020 | Industry Exclusive/Entertainment
Streaming services have been popping up left and right for years now, and they don’t show...

by Trevor Wheelwright | Jan 27, 2020 | Data and Research, Industry Exclusive/Entertainment
Since launching in November 2019, Disney+ has become a prime hub for getting the family together...

by Trevor Wheelwright | Dec 10, 2019 | Featured, Industry Exclusive/Entertainment
Barring the exception of a few killjoys, we all love Baby Yoda and would protect The...