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Birds, Bees, and . . . Netflix? Americans Reveal Their Naughty Streaming Habits in New Survey

Naughty Netflix Habits in the US

They say all’s fair in love and war—but what about Netflix? Turns out Americans have some pretty strong feelings about how streaming factors into their relationships.

We asked everyday Americans to dish on their dirtiest Netflix secrets. You know, the ones they wouldn’t even share with their partners. Here’s what we found out.

What’s mine is yours—except my Netflix password.

Naughty Netflix Habits: Sharing Netflix Passwords

Breaking up is hard enough, but what’s a newly minted single to do without Netflix? If you relied on your ex to hook you up with the latest episode of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina before, you might be tempted to use their password even after calling it quits. In fact, a whopping one-third of Americans still use their ex’s password. We’ll let you decide how to feel about that.

Thirty-six percent of Americans have been on the receiving end of this. It was bad enough not getting your favorite sweatshirt back, but now you log in to your Netflix account only to find a ton of weird titles on your watch list? SMH.

But we’re not done yet. One in ten Americans date someone just for their Netflix account. We get not being able to keep your hands off someone—we’ve all been there. But how badly do you need to watch the next episode of Black Mirror that you can’t keep your hands off someone else’s Netflix? Paying for your own account isn’t that expensive.

You + Me + Netflix = A Series of Unfortunate Events

Naughty Netflix Habits: Couple Trouble

Our faith in humanity was (mostly) restored because only 7% of our survey participants said they’ve ended a relationship based on what their partner watched on Netflix. We’re wondering if they caught them watching Back with the Ex.

Although they didn’t break up over it, that’s not to say many couples don’t argue about Netflix. One in three Americans verbally sparred over what to watch, and married couples were more likely to argue than those who were just dating.

Must love dogs . . . and watching The Crown.

Naughty Netflix Habits: How Important is Netflix?

Does your date night include rushing back home to binge-watch the new season of Stranger Things? You’re not alone. Almost one-third of our survey participants said they spend all or most of their Netflix time with their partner.

Aww, that gives us warm fuzzies. And it also explains why two in three people surveyed make sure their partner has the same Netflix tastes as them before committing. It makes sense. Who wants to start a long-term relationship with someone who just sits there in silence while you laugh-snort at The Good Place?

MFW my partner spoils the ending to my favorite show.

Naughty Netflix Habits: Cheating on Netflix

Time to come clean: more than half of those surveyed admitted they’ve “Netflix cheated” on their partner. Somehow it’s no surprise to my millennial self that my fellow millennials are more likely to cheat than previous generations, because my boomer parents still own a VCR. And they always watch those old tapes together.

I guess Netflix makes it easier to watch anywhere—even if your partner isn’t around. #SorryNotSorry

Most of us can get over our partner finishing a Netflix series before us (as long as they don’t spoil the ending). But for 8% of our survey respondents, Netflix cheating is cause for terminating the relationship. Yikes.

Naughty Netflix Habits: Netflix or Sex?

For some, nothing is more dear than binge-watching Netflix. Thirty percent would even give up sex just to stream their favorite shows. For the other 70% of us, well, we’d rather turn up the Marvin Gaye than turn on Mindhunter.

Single people are more likely to say “I’ma do me” and choose Netflix over sex—and married women are also more likely to choose Netflix when compared to married men. But overall, those who’ve said “I do” would rather say “Oh, yeah!” to dancing in the sheets versus watching another episode of Glee. Now that’s living happily ever after.

Our Methodology

How’d we come up with these hopelessly romantic Netflix stats? First, we showered hundreds of Americans with flowers, cologne, perfume, puppies—you name it—then asked them out for coffee to “get to know them better.”

Just kidding.

But we did ask hundreds of Americans nationwide about their Netflix habits—especially how their Netflix habits relate to their romantic lives—and they told all. Honestly, it’s been great for us because now we don’t feel so bad about our own Netflix relationship habits. We hope we helped you feel the same.

Author -

Catherine has a degree in journalism and an MBA, and has spent the last 10+ years writing everything from Okinawa travel columns to internet guides and reviews. She's a lead writer on internet and technology for and believes the internet is a necessity, not a luxury, that everyone should have access to. You can also find her on Twitter: @CMReviewsIt.

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