Downey Residential Internet Coverage
Just southeast of Los Angeles, the city of Downey offers metropolitan conveniences and suburban comfort. Over 114,000 people call this city home, leading to a significant demand for internet service.
Throughout much of eastern Downey, you can access fiber internet through Frontier. The Frontier service area begins east of Bluff Road, extending well beyond the eastern city limits of Downey. Service is available in a handful of western neighborhoods.
DSL service is also provided by Frontier Communications. The DSL network is very well developed, reaching almost all of Downey. Service stops short of the neighborhoods in the far northwest and southwest.
Another widespread service provider in Downey is AT&T, which covers all of western Downey in its service area. The coverage area stops east of Bluff Road in most areas, although there is some coverage in the southern parts of Downey.
Through Time Warner Cable, people living in almost every Downey neighborhood enjoy high-speed cable. There is a slight gap in coverage east of Gabriel River Freeway and south of Lakeland Road.
Charter provides consistent coverage to many parts of Downey, with only a few central neighborhoods falling outside the service area.
Additionally, New Edge Networks offers service to most of Downey's outlying neighborhoods, excluding much of the central part of the city.
Fastest Internet Service Providers in Downey
offers internet at speeds up
to 150 Mbps
offers internet at speeds up
to 100 Mbps