Get the help you need:
Hours | Outages | Phone support | Online support | Business support | Local support | Pay your bill | Sign up for service | Cancel service | CenturyLink FAQ
Get the help you need:
- Phone support
- Hours
- Outages
- Phone support
- Online support
- Business support
- Local support
- Pay your bill
- Sign up for service
- Cancel service
- CenturyLink FAQ
Contact CenturyLink customer service
CenturyLink customer service phone number
You can reach the general CenturyLink customer service team by calling +1-866-963-6665 or starting a chat session online.
CenturyLink customer service hours
You can text CenturyLink or start a chat session 24/7, but the customer service phone line is available only during the following hours:
- Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. local time
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
CenturyLink store locations near you
CenturyLink doesn’t have store locations where you can return equipment or pay your bill, even though you can find offices with CenturyLink logos in places around town. Those locations are for technicians and support staff, not customers.
If you want to pay your bill in person, find a Western Union agent or CheckFree Pay agent in your area.
CenturyLink customer service online
If you’re having trouble with your CenturyLink service, your first stop should be the customer support website. You can start a chat with a live agent there, log in to your account, and access the support library.
That’s not the only way to get help, though! Here’s a list of all your options:
- CenturyLink support website
- The My CenturyLink app (available on Google Play and the App Store)
- CenturyLink on X
- CenturyLink on Facebook
- CenturyLink text message support at +1-888-320-3452
Other CenturyLink online support
CenturyLink outages
You can check for a CenturyLink outage by checking your CenturyLink app or signing into your account online. If your neighborhood is in an outage, you’ll see an alert and will have the option to sign up for a text, email, or call when the service is back up.
If you don’t have internet service but don’t see an outage alert in your account, try the CenturyLink troubleshooting tool.
CenturyLink customer support for your business
Visit the CenturyLink Business Support page for help with your business account or call +1-800-603-6000 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time.
You can also try starting an online chat, available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CT.
Pay your CenturyLink bill
There are multiple ways to pay your CenturyLink bill:
- Sign into your account
- Pay your bill online
- Pay using your mobile app (available on Google Play and the App Store)
- Use the Quick Bill Pay service
- Find a Western Union agent or CheckFree Pay agent in your area
Sign up for CenturyLink service
To sign up for CenturyLink home internet service, call +1-866-963-6665 or click the button below.
Cancel your CenturyLink service
You may be able to disconnect your CenturyLink service by logging into your account. Some customers will be required to call in or start a chat session, though.
- Sign into your account to cancel
- Start a chat session online
- Call customer service at +1-866-963-6665
CenturyLink customer service FAQ
How can I reach a live person at CenturyLink?
Can I get CenturyLink help with a text message?
What can I do if my CenturyLink internet isn't working?
Shopping for CenturyLink alternatives?
Enter your zip code to find high-speed internet options in your area.