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Hargray internet pricing and deals

Plans starting at $45.00/mo.

No data caps

No contracts

Limited availability

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Hargray Sparklight feature image

Top Hargray internet plans

Best overall

Internet 300 Mbps


Up to 300Mbps

View Plans for Hargray

Best for budgets

Internet 100 Mbps


Up to 100Mbps

View Plans for Hargray

Best for speed

Internet 1000 Mbps


Up to 1,000Mbps

View Plans for Hargray

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Best Hargray internet deals

Get a $200 credit to cover the termination fee when you switch from your current provider.

All Hargray internet plans and pricing

PackagePriceSpeedTypeOrder online
Internet 100 Mbps$45.00/mo.*Up to 100MbpsCable, fiberView Hargray Plan
Internet 200 Mbps$55.00/mo.*Up to 200MbpsCable, fiberView Hargray Plan
Internet 300 Mbps$65.00/mo.*Up to 300MbpsCable, fiberView Hargray Plan
Internet 500 Mbps$75.00/mo.*Up to 500MbpsCable, fiberView Hargray Plan
Internet 1000 Mbps$115.00/mo.*Up to 1,000MbpsCable, fiberView Hargray Plan

Want to do more Hargray research?

Read more on this page about Hargray

Jump to: Availability | Speed | Bundles | Hargray vs. the competition

Hargray Internet Availability

You can get Hargray cable and fiber internet in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina—18 markets total. It’s mostly all cable internet across the board with speeds ranging from 100–950Mbps.

Hargray Fiber is available in 15 markets across Florida and Georgia. We list the specific markets in our FAQ.

Lastly, Hargray offers some DSL internet mostly in rural areas, but it doesn’t advertise the plans and prices. DSL speeds start at 1.5Mbps.

Enter your zip code below to see if Hargray is available in your area.

Hargray internet speeds

A quick glance at our recent speed test numbers pulled from April 2022 to April 2023 shows Hargray has a slower download speed average than Cable One’s other cable and fiber internet provider, Sparklight (129.95Mbps). It also falls behind many major cable internet providers such as Astound Broadband, Cox, Optimum, Spectrum, and Xfinity.


Average download speed: 120.57 Mbps

Average upload speed: 76.01 Mbps

Total speed tests: 4,300

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000 Mbps

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000 Mbps

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00 ms

00 ms

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Hargray internet and TV bundles

Best overall

Internet 300 + TV

Price: $95.00/mo*

Channels: 25+

Speed: Up to 300Mbps

Internet type: Cable or fiber

Best for budgets

Internet 100 + TV

Price: $75.00/mo.*

Channels: 25+

Speed: Up to 100Mbps

Internet type: Cable or fiber

Best for speed

Internet 1000 + TV

Price: $145.00/mo.*

Channels: 25+

Speed: Up to 1,000Mbps

Internet type: Cable or fiber

Bundling internet with TV qualifies you for Hargray’s H2O deal giving you a $5 discount on internet each month. You also get a discount on two upgrades, such as switching up to the next speed tier. All bundles listed above start you with TV Basics (or Basic TV, depending on where you live), but you can customize them to fit your needs before checking out.

Why choose Hargray for internet service?

Hargray is your best option if you want speeds faster than DSL and don’t have access to fiber internet. We generally see Hargray in markets where other cable internet providers reside, like Spectrum and Xfinity. It’s likely your best choice if those brands don’t provide service within your specific zip code.


  • No data caps
  • No contracts


  • Hidden fees
  • Limited availability

How Hargray compares to the competition

When we look at the gigabit plans, Hargray can’t compete against the bigger brands, like Spectrum and Xfinity. For example, Hargray’s Internet 1000 Mbps plan costs $115.00 per month for the first six months, while Xfinity and Kinetic cost $65.00 and $69.99 per month, respectively.

ProviderPlan price rangeSpeeds (range)User rating*Order online
Hargray$45.00–$115.00/mo.*100–1,000MbpsN/AView Plans
Cox$50.00–$150.00/mo.†100–2,000Mbps3.6/5.0View Plans
for 12 mos.
(wireless speeds may vary)
3.7/5.0View Plans
Kinetic$39.99–$169.99/mo.§50–2,000Mbps3.5/5.0View Plans
Xfinity$30.00–$80.00/mo.||75–1,200Mbps3.7/5.0View Plans

FAQ about Hargray

Is Hargray the same as Sparklight?

Where does Hargray offer fiber internet?

What are Hargray's equipment fees?

Does Hargray have an installation fee?

What is Power Boost?

Does Hargray have any hidden fees?

Are all plans available where I live?

Does Hargray have contracts?

Does Hargray have data caps?
