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Spectrum plans, pricing, and deals

Plans starting at $25/mo.

Rent-free modem

No data caps

Monthly WiFi access fee (Premier)

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spectrum internet

Top 10 Spectrum Cities:

Top Spectrum Internet plans

Best Overall

Internet Premier w/ Spectrum Advanced

$60/mo.* for 12 mos.

Up to 500Mbps

View Plans for Spectrum

Best for Speed

Internet Gig

$70/mo.* for 12 mos.

Up to 1,000Mbps

View Plans for Spectrum

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    All Spectrum Internet plans and pricing

    PackagePriceSpeedTypeOrder online
    Internet Assist$25/mo.*
    for qualifying households
    Up to 50Mbps
    (wireless speeds may vary)
    CableView Spectrum Plan for Spectrum
    Internet Advantage$30/mo.*
    for 12 mos. for qualifying households
    Up to 100Mbps
    (wireless speeds may vary)
    CableView Spectrum Plan for Spectrum
    Internet Premier w/ Advanced WiFi$60/mo.
    for 12 mos.
    Up to 500Mbps
    (wireless speeds may vary)
    Cable, fiberView Spectrum Plan for Spectrum
    Internet Gig$70/mo.
    for 12 mos.
    Up to 1,000Mbps
    (wireless speeds may vary)
    Cable, fiberView Spectrum Plan for Spectrum

    Want to do more Spectrum research?

    Find more details on Spectrum farther down on this page

    Jump to: Availability | Speed | Bundles | Spectrum vs. the competition


    See other articles we’ve written about Spectrum Internet:

    Spectrum Internet availability

    Spectrum provides cable internet in 45 states. Most of its coverage lies within the Eastern and Central time zones and along the West Coast. Spectrum also has some home fiber internet, but it is available only in new neighborhoods and rural areas. You won’t know which internet type you can get until you speak with a Spectrum representative.

    Enter your zip code to see if Spectrum is available in your area.

    Spectrum Internet speeds

    According to data from our speed tests taken between January 9, 2022, to January 9, 2023, Spectrum has one of the lowest download averages of all the national internet providers. Spectrum falls behind cable internet rivals Xfinity (157.13Mbps), Cox (154.73Mbps), and Optimum (143.31Mbps).

    Keep in mind that, generally, people run speed tests because they notice slowdowns with their connections. The averages you see here could reflect issues with WiFi, the modem, or something else outside the home. Some customers may still have 100Mbps and 200Mbps max speeds due to the local infrastructure.


    Average download speed: 139.34Mbps

    Average upload speed: 68.11Mbps

    Total speed tests: 630,702


    Looking for an easy way to test and track your internet speed?

    Run a quick speed test to see how fast your internet is, or download our free, easy-to-use app to test your speed anywhere on your phone.

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    Spectrum Internet bundles

    Best Overall

    Internet Premier + TV Select Signature


    Price: $125/mo. for 24 mos.

    Channels: 150+

    Speed: Up to 500Mbps
    (wireless speeds may vary)

    Best for budgets

    Internet Premier + TV Stream


    Price: $70/mo.*
    for 24 mos.

    Channels: 85+

    Speed: Up to 500Mbps
    (wireless speeds may vary)

    Best for speed

    Internet Gig + TV Select Plus


    Price: $145/mo.‡ for 24 mos.

    Channels: 160+

    Speed: Up to 1,000Mbps
    (wireless speeds may vary)

    You can pair Spectrum Internet Premier or Gig with Spectrum TV and Spectrum Mobile services. The number of services you bundle determines the promotional period length and the discount you’ll receive on each service during that period. Take a look:

    • Internet only = 12 months
    • Internet + TV = 24 months
    • Internet + Mobile = 24 months
    • Internet + TV + Mobile = 36 months

    If you plan to pair Spectrum TV with internet, remember that the Broadcast TV Service Charge is not included in the price. You’ll see an added fee of up to $26 per month on your bill.

    Your TV options may include TV Basic, TV Select Signature, TV Select Plus, TV Choice, and Mi Plan Latino, depending on where you live. Spectrum TV Stream and TV Stream Latino are two other “lite” TV services that complement the Xumo Stream Box. You don’t necessarily need the Xumo to stream any Spectrum TV service, as they can be viewed through the Spectrum TV app or a web browser.

    Why choose Spectrum for internet service?

    Choose Spectrum’s cable internet if you don’t have access to fiber and want faster speeds than DSL. Spectrum streamlines your choices and throws in a rent-free modem, gateway, or SONU to boot. Spectrum also offers fiber-to-the-home service, but it’s only available in new neighborhoods other fiber providers haven’t claimed (like AT&T). However, for now, Spectrum’s Gig fiber plan is 500Mbps or 1,000Mbps in upload speed, depending on where you live.


    • Rent-free modem, gateway, or SONU
    • No data caps
    • No contracts


    • WiFi and WiFi Pod fees
    • Limited fiber availability
    • Price hikes after promo period

    How Spectrum compares to the competition

    Spectrum’s biggest competitors are AT&T, Verizon, and Frontier, which all provide fiber and DSL internet in areas that overlap Spectrum’s cable internet service areas.

    Spectrum’s current promotional prices are super competitive. For example, when we look at the gigabit plans, Spectrum can be cheaper than AT&T, Frontier, and Verizon, depending on where you live. The 500Mbps pricing is pretty competitive, too, although Frontier has them all beat with a $45 monthly charge.

    The big callout here is that Spectrum raises your rate after 12 or 24 months—the competition doesn’t. So, while Spectrum’s gigabit plan starts off rather cheap, you end up paying around $115 after the second year, which is up to $45 more per month than the competition. Ouch.

    ProviderPrice rangeSpeed rangeCustomer
    Order online
    Spectrum $25–$70/mo.
    for 12 mos.
    (wireless speeds may vary)
    3.7View Plans for Spectrum
    Verizon Home Internet $49.99–$109.99/mo.§
    w/ Auto Pay
    300–2,300Mbps3.9View Plans for Verizon Home Internet
    Frontier $29.99–$299.99/mo.||
    w/ Auto Pay & Paperless Bill
    200–7,000Mbps3.5View Plans for Frontier

    FAQ about Spectrum

    What internet services does Spectrum offer?

    What are the installation fees for Spectrum Internet?

    Does Spectrum charge for equipment?

    What does “wireless speeds may vary” mean?

    Why does Spectrum state “up to” next to its speeds?

    What happened to Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks?

    Is Spectrum available in my area?

