On this page:
Hours | Outages | Phone support | Online support | Business support | Local support | Pay your bill | Sign up for service | Cancel service | Breezeline FAQ
On this page:
- Hours
- Outages
- Phone support
- Online support
- Business support
- Local support
- Pay your bill
- Sign up for service
- Cancel service
- Breezeline FAQ
Contact Breezeline customer service
Breezeline customer service phone number
Reach a Breezeline internet customer service rep by calling +1-888-536-9600. If you need help with your Breezline mobile plan, call +1-855-811-5188.
Breezeline customer service hours
Breezeline’s customer service phone line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you don’t want to place a call, try starting an online chat using the mobile app or visiting Breezeline Support.
Breezeline store locations near you
Breezeline has no stores, but you can reach customer service online, on the phone, or by using your Breezeline mobile app.
Breezeline customer service online
Breezeline’s customer service database makes it easy to solve nearly any problem with your internet, TV, or mobile services, or your account.
You can also get help on social media on the following platforms:
Other Breezeline online support
Breezeline outages
You can check for local Breezeline outages online in a map view or by entering your zip code. If there is an outage, you’ll get a list of affected streets and an estimated time when the service will be restored.
Breezeline customer support for your business
You can get 24/7 for your business internet service through Breezeline by calling +1-888-684-6595. In the online library, you’ll also find comprehensive support resources for your business internet, business phone, and business TV services.
Pay your Breezeline bill
There are a few ways to pay your Breezeline bill:
- Sign into your account.
- Call +1-888-536-9600.
- Pay through the mobile app.
- Pay through Western Union (you’ll need your 16-digit account number).
Sign up for Breezeline service
The best way to sign up for Breezeline is by shopping online, but you can call +1-888-536-9600 if you don’t have access to a good internet connection. You won’t be able to talk to a human until you go through a long phone tree and enter info like your zip code.
Cancel your Breezeline service
Call Breezeline at +1-888-536-9600 to cancel your internet, home phone, or TV service. If you’re not calling from the account holder’s cell phone, you’ll need all the account info on hand.
You may also need to send Breezeline written notification of your decision to cancel (according to the official customer service agreement). Address your letter to the following:
Vice President of Customer Service
3 Batterymarch Park, Suite 200
Quincy, MA 02169
You may need to return your Breezeline-owned equipment if it’s new enough. Get a list of items to be returned and follow these instructions.
If you want to cancel your Breezeline mobile service, call +1-855-811-5188.
Breezeline customer service FAQ
How do I reach a human at Breezeline?
Does Breezeline internet have required contracts?
Is my Breezeline service down?
Shopping for fast internet service near you?
Enter your zip code to compare local providers.