Weatherford Residential Internet Coverage
While the community of Weatherford holds only 11,000 residents, it doesn't limit the options each residential area has when choosing their internet providers. Most residents can choose between cable internet, DSL or fixed wireless internet services. Few will also have the option for fiber optics internet.
Residential areas near in the center of Weatherford, spanning west toward Hudson Oaks and north to areas In Peaster, Poolville and Wright will have access to fiber optics through AT&T. Residents can experience advertised download speeds up to 1 Gbps, the fastest in the nation.
Most areas will have access to AT&T's DSL services, which span over 90% of the city. This includes southern communities in Western Lake to northern communities in Poolville. However, certain remote locations in these areas may be restricted from DSL services, especially those closest to the lakes and rivers.
Charter Spectrum services most residents in Weatherford with home cable services. However, those living near the lakes and rivers may have restricted access. Limits are also in place for residents in remote locations of Poolville, Peastor and Advance. Charter Spectrum offers advertised speeds up to 100 Mbps.
Areas in Western Lake are completely restricted from all internet services except fixed wireless internet. Belwave Communications, Nextlink and Cirra Networks provides coverage to the entire areas of Weatherford, including the small, remote residential homes in Western Lake.